Friday 20 November 2009

Fear and needing in China & US Part one

Fear and needing in China & US Part two.

China & Russian joint Military exercise

China and Russia joint military exercises in 2005

China joint military exercises as mentioned in the vid 7 Giants China a superpower.

New Zealand Defence Pt 11 China

What are the challenges for Newzealand in the face of a resolute China re-establishing its ocean going capability.

7 Giants China a Superpower

China has created the worlds largest trading and security zone which incorporates 25% of the world's land surface I detail how they have done this and where China is as an economic and military power compared to other great Powers.
This vid is part of the 7 Giants series of vids which explain the geo-political social military and economic comparision between EU US Japan China Russia India Brazil.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 上海合作组织

Thursday 12 November 2009

EU Presidency

Infokemp's Blog

Why the European Union must learn from the USA constitution but not copy it.

The Lisbon Treaty, has created the post of European Union Council President and foreign minister but what will the nature of this post be.
A good indication will be, which sort of person and expertise they have, is chosen for the role.
If Tony Blair is chosen it will be a high profile foreign policy orientated role which will have the public view of being similar to the US Presidents role, which is also foreign policy orientated.
Indeed the US President has little domestic influence, any interference in domestic law making is viewed by the US citizenry (In the US you are a citizen with rights and obligations, as opposed to UK subjects) as immoral.
The preservation of the separate powers of the executive, law making legislature; the congress & Senate which makes law and the courts, the Judiciary, which carries out law. Law enforcement is part of the executive as it enforces policy.
The separate powers are key to avoiding a Imperial Presidency, turning President into Kingship as Lenin & Hitler did. George W. Bush's doctrine argued for a fusing of powers and it has long been a dream of the many of the US political class to fuse the executive legislature and Courts together just as in the UK Parliament. This what Carol Quiggley called the secret weapon of the House of Parliament and Palace of Westminster.
Yet the US constitution already fuses two separate role, in the minds of both the British nations and European nations, that is the role of the US President as both head of the executive and the head of state.
The European Unions president is only head of a European council which is chosen by the elected leaders of the member states.
There is an immediate cross over of policy roles because up to now the head of the EU commission has been the figure head of the EU, namely Barroso, this role is rotated between the member nations for instance in November 2009 it will soon be the Swedish governments role to be in charge of the EU.
This rotation of power is a strength that should not be lost in the process of changing the EU into a quasi-nation-state. A true EU Presidency should be modeled on the German constitution for it has both the best elements of Republican Rome, the Great British system and the US constitution.
The EU should separate the role of head of state from that of the executive, the legislature and executive should be fused i.e in a Parliamentary federal system where their are two rounds of votes the first by proportional representation and then an eliminating round by first past the post. This would chose the main political party and a preference for a particular person to become Chancellor of the EU. Certain parties during the proportional representation round could be chosen for certain ministries for instance Green for the environment. This would effectively mean that the EU would always have some form of coalition government but that the key posts of the executive would be held by the strongest party with the most votes from the second round of voting.
The people however would be sovereign under the law, direct democracy would under the Lisbon Treaty allow petition, as in Sweden, that could become law, this could challenge ideological blocks as it would be issue based politics. The national parties from national Parliaments would be the main parties in the Federal European parliament in broad ideological blocks from these parties the Chancellor would be voted in as part of a party whilst the people would then directly elect the Chancellor from that Party.
The European Union would be organized on a local regional level into Lander or County councils each with an assembly and two assembly ministers for that region those ministers for all the regions would elect the President, the head of state for the EU. In this way the President who would be a cultural figure head but with the oversight of the role of Chancellor would be elected by representatives of local regions. This prevents an imperial presidency and also executive tyrany by the Chancellor of the EU by bring the role of head of state to local political representative who could lobby for the impeachment of the Chancellor for Treason Corruption Executive tyrany or other high crimes.
Through out the whole system their must be oversight by national regional and the direct democracy of the people themselves of the Chancellor and the President. However the business of government cannot be made too complicated. If government cannot function then undemocratic policy steering groups of lobbists can form that steer policy out of the hands of the nation and into special interests. The EU must have some corporatism and good corporatism is the co-opertive movement unions and good business modles but rightfully so critism of the EU UK and US systems are that lobbyist are often a front for organized crime. You only have to see the case of the lobbyist and advisor to Belesoni who had links to the mafia to see why Naples and Scilliy are being given billions in construction funds for buildings that are never completed or renovated. True also is the revolving door of US politicians who join politics only to get high paid jobs with few hours work, after lobbying for the oil or industrial military complex which is the basis of the US economy.
The President of the EU is head of state and as a cultural figure head but he or she must be the chief law enforcer over the Chancellor.
Organized crime and then Terrorism which is a tactic of organized crime is our greatest enemy and it is the subject on which the EU and US government executive must work together on.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

EU Europe Equality Liberty Values & English language

Natural Law of Liberty & Equality, why Europe is the solution that is a work in progresss.

In the begin for the fight for freedom everyone looked to the English speaking nations the so called Anglo-Saxon powers, from the Norman conquest the fight to regain real and perceived lost rights from the Anglo-Saxon pre-1066 era propelled the English into a war on hierarchy ( it also coloured our view of outlanders particularly the arrogance of french speaking monarchy), a quest for liberty and equality, at first only the rights of Earls and Barons where recognized in the Magnacarta and common law. Then class friction meant that each part of society fort for its rights.
A major leap forward was made by the Levellers and diggers in the English Civil war, the foundation of the ideas which Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson wrote into the constitution of the United States. Their view was that Liberty would free man kind and the natural goodness of mankind would thereby provide the goods & services as well as charity to prevent destitution.
The exceptionalist view of the Utiopia in the making, the USA was still strong despite the constant warfare (external and civil/social) the US has been forced and chosen to engage in.

Europe is influenced by the concept of Roman philosophy and the concept of equality from the French revolution.

Yet today when Europeans think of liberty it is the concept of fairness rather than a pure unbridled liberty they speak of. This is a liberty with the fire and brim stone taken out, its a liberty with regard for others and with regard for the fact that if Humans are not evil then we do have darker moments. For the Liberty of evil men leads to the Tyrany of Tyrants and Kings. This was something Thomas Paine tried to square.
With out some equality there is no liberty and with complete equality their is no liberty.
Perhaps we need look further back into history, the Italians and especially the Romans with their Latin Germanic and Celti blood are a heady mix of exuberant passion, passion that could turn violent. The ancient Romans believed in hard disciple the power of the Law and the state, but this would not have been enough to control the Roman mob, more was needed.
Philosphy was not considered a soft subject but a hard subject for hard people, it found favour with the pankraton boxers, the MMA of the ancient world and the worlds first martial art, Stoic philosophy was taugh to the Legionaries with their pankration training so that their minds could endure the harsh realities of their bloody trade. Stoic philosophy was so strong in the mind of the Roman Emporer Marcus Aurelius that he conducted his Meditations a private diary only discovered after he worked himself to death.
Meditations details how fate is plastic to will but like water fate or the Logos, the force that extends through reality and living beings tries to find equilibrium.
The Romans where a slave owning society so that they believe in a limited equality to ones birth but that the logos was always trying to effect the wills of the rich who where lazy while the poor where hard working to find the good human being who is balanced. Marcus Aurellius obviously believed being a stoic in not complaining but if you where a slave or an emporer you might be intellectual equals it did not matter other than if you where a slave that you be the best slave you could be and equally so for a emporer, who could not reach material equality because of his position. So you must try to teach to learn to be the best human being you can be.
Thus Marcus Aurellius balanced his liberty with the wills and needs of others seeking equality through self discipline.
Now as a social Democrat we must guard against selfish interest, it is self interest that we seek equality in law and economic rights but if social democracy is just self interest then it is a conservatism, an atomist self interest of the poor. This is not what social democracy and the European Union is or should be for the rights of the community do exist as much as do the legal person of the corporations. Corporations are only incorporated by their incorporation into the community of the nation thats what incorporated means and if words mean anything that shows that the right of the national community is greater that that of the corporate business. The Banking crisis showed that hierarchy led to a culture of control, fraud, atomistic self interest to an unhealthy extent, of corporate tribalism against the nation.
The European Union showed that it had the economic ability and teeth to hold the banks to account. Yet it did not go so far as to impose a form of equality for equality is based on knowledge self discipline and then the method to atain it through co-operation.
Co-operative business model did not suffer as much in terms of job losses as those with hierarchies, the economic crisis demostrated this. If you are partner you will invest more of yourself into your work, there is a self interest in equality too.
The European Union with lisbon Treaty has also extended Liberty by recognizing the basic right to direct Democracy by act of pertition to government more popular motions may become law.
The guarding against a tyrany of the majority is also safe guarded by preventing some motions becoming law if they violate human and economic rights. Yet in some regards issue based politics will challenge ideology, on some issues the same people may be to the far right on immigration but on the left in terms of social welfare, they may be liberal in terms of human and animal rights etc.
So the European Union is a work in progress for Liberty for Democracy for Equality and maybe some day fairness.
With what language will it speak, most of western Europe speaks English as a second language so I say that maybe English will be the language of the European Union of Liberty and Equality, we have gone full circle to speaking for Europe in an Anglo-Saxon voice.

Are the US and EU Empires

Are the US and EU Empires?

Is the European Union the first post modern soft power empire, by soft power I mean cultural scientific people power exceeds military power.
The United States demonstrated the maxim that military force is greater when hidden by threat and coercion with out its actual use, in more diplomatic language by defense rather than offensive use. The use of military force in Iraq was very different to that used in Afghanistan not in weapons or tactics but by effect.
Europe was and still is willing to go to the ends of the earth to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden and the conspirators behind 9/11, so long as Iraq is not invaded the uni-polar US lead empire continues.
Once Iraq 2 happen this all changed, at first it seemed to demonstrate the military weakness of as Rumsfeld put it politely "old Europe" or impolitely "Cheese eating surrender monkeys", he could make jokes he was not going into Iraq with an unarmored HMVee. Much to the Chargrin of the SDP Oscar Fischer Germany's foreign secitary America seem in full unilateral mode.
Thanks to fighting skill of the coalition troops the mission in Iraq must even now be considered a partiacial success even though the European British & American public know Afghanistans Mohamind Khazai by name, even though Afghanistan is very much unsolved as a problem, they don't know the head of the Iraqi government at all. Iraq is still in chaos.
Yet what has changed American military power is still unassaliable (unless the EU spent as much as the US on weapons and what good would that do?) yet something did change.
The fact that the insurgencey could even fight at all was a shock but the greater cost was in treasure and prestigee to the US they where not invincible, the cost is detailed in Joe Stiglitz book the 3 Trillion dollar war.
Even despite the inflation of the money supply the Fed and US Govt has still to manage the cost of the war, the US will be paying for it for decades to come.
The multi-polar world emerged out of the Iraq process, Russia and China forged burried their hatred & rivallry forging the military & economic alliance of the Shanghi co-operation organization which seeks to unite with india and the central asian stan republics to form the biggest territorial power block in history with most of the worlds peoples in it. Against this the EU Japan, the post modern powers must draw Russia towards Europe and in the multi-polar world the USA must choose between a three main options a North American tarrif block - the so called North American Union forming out of the NAFTA organization (Canada, US, Mexico) or free trade with China or Europe. (I shall be doing a series of vids on youtube called 7 Giants the seven great powers)
In the 1990's Kent Calders book, which I highly recommend, Asias deadly triangle argued that the greatest threat came from a technological alliance between rouge states such as Pakistan and North Korea. What a perseptive book, as Dr AQ Khan the Pakistan ISI's nuclear bomb maker sold secrets of nuclear designs to North Korea and maybe AlQueada.
Calder correctly placed the USA in the 1990's as a pacific orientated Naval Hyperpower, today in a multi-polar world Calders analysis of the US growing involvement in the old Soviet & Chinese sphere of influence in central asia particularly in Khazacstan the worlds 5th largest country have also been born out. The US today is the Global hyperpower but their are now two superpowers EU & China and a military superpower in Russia which will have to choose between east or west.
To find out more about Russia see my vid Europe and Russia on Infokemps Youtube channel.

From John McCormick's Book
The European Superpower
ISBN number 1-4039-9846-9 copywrite palgrave Macmillian

1 peace
2 multilateralism
3 internationalism
4 soft power
5 civillian
6 liberal world view
7 sustainable development
8 universal
9 post modern
10 welfarism
11 community
12 state reliance
13 social liberalism
14 progressive
15 secular
16 modest
17 pragmatic
18 settled
19 risk averse
20 past



1 War
2 Unilateral
3 Nationalism
4 Hard power
5 Military
6 Realist world view
7 consumerism
8 Provincial
9 Modern
10 Materialism
11 Individual
12 Self-reliance
13 Social conservativism
14 Orthodox
15 Religious
16 Ambitious
17 Utopian
18 Restless
19 Risk Tolerance
20 Future

Should we join the Euro and European Armed forces

This is Infokemps Blog.


I am a pro-European Social Democrat I stand for reason, the scientific method of decision making rather than ideology I am also a moderate English cultural nationalist.
This blog is an effort to bring some sense to the debate about England's role within Great Britain and within Europe.
The Lisbon treaty has been met with scalding remarks from the "nationalist" press in this country but I believe that if they where real nationalist they would be more for the welfare of the nation rather than what is their real agenda a move to set this country on a ideological dead end of racism and Thatcherite economics.
How can I set at easy the fact that I am an unashamed cultural nationalist with my believe in individual natural rights; life liberty the pursuit of happiness with my social democratic pro-European beliefs, in fairness equality mutual respect and belief in cultural exchange.
It is only through travel that we really begin to understand peoples even ones own nation, I have been fortunate given my working class origins (of which I am fortunate and proud of those origins) to have traveled all over Great Britain and Europe as well as the bastion of liberty that is the constitutional republic of the USA ( my stance is both pro-USA and pro-EU) in my travels I have come to the conclusion that most people are good hard working and moral.
My trips to Germany showed me what a warm passionate and funny people the Germans are. Their famous reserve between outlanders and themselves, is but a way to overcome the passionate part of themselves in their Kulture and the deep friendships which they make towards people from their lander or (home region, like londoners refer to themselves as cockneys). The Germans have fewer friends but their friendships are arguably deeper.
English people sense that their is something wrong in our society and that is not because of immigration or de-population, see my vids on youtube BNP vs Real nationalism and post modern England. It is something much deeper, people speak of the brake down of the family and a sort of tribalism. True I do not deny that this may be a limites specific case but again their is something deeper, our sense of togetherness has been lost, I mentioned Germany because of their word Gemeinshaft, that means the community of togetherness of mutual respect.
I am not leaving out the fracious nature of Germany's tensions between its lander, "Bavarians are not Germans" is said more than "Liverpool is not English" both comments are jokes and ridiculous. The Gemeinshaft of Deutchland is stronger than the togetherness of the English yet the English have been a nation for 1500 years since we left Scandinavia and intermarried with the Romano-Celtic inhabitence of Britiannia yet in just the last 30 years we have seen economic polices that swept away a team and national togetherness (what the Japanese call in economics Kiazen where their in contribution to the team) that adds to individual worth and replaced by an atomistic ME culture.
The recent Labour governments have tried to reverse this and build up communities, (I am a social democrate but I am not a Labour supporter) they have though only done this by increments rather than their main policy drive, it is a start.
However how powerful are national governments we live in a world of billionare terrorist like the Bin Laden Family, of the greatest mass migration in history and of a return to both global movements such as alQueada and a return to the assertion of great states and empires such as China and Russia, it sort of puts the debate about immigration and the BNP in perspective.
The BNP have nothing to say on immigration that could not be solved by a simiple pan-European approach of intergration of those people already nearly fully intergrated by the high level of inter-racial relationships baring children and setting a level of immigration at ten percent of the population for the whole European Union.
Economics is a far more powerful tool that walls and ditches we have the atlantic and the med and this has not stopped immigration or Somali Pirates, walls are only as strong as the strategy and human beings that defend them.
The best way is too help those people is in their own countries to be prosperous through trade and aid by creating a North African union and Middle Eastern union (possibly with a democratic secular Persia ((Iran)) at its heart) nor should we bar nationalist Russia to the power house economies of England France Germany at the heart of the EU. Russia is like England and Germany a great nation with a history of Empire that did terrible things trade with the EU would help their self confidence rather than the intrenched possition that Putin represents.

Main argument of the vid.

England through the E.U. would be able to develope regional assemblies and the sovereignty of Parliament would be over thrown for a national sovereignty for England, Scotland and Wales as part of Great Britain within the E.U. England would have its own parliament it would contribute a to a Great British armed forces which would in turn contribute to the Defense forces of the European Union. The English are a people of gentility at home but we a fighting people a European Armed forces would most likely be English trained and German equiped, I would hope though that the soft power of the E.U. would continue that we be the Sun shine and not the thunder in international relations.
A certain superpower made the mistake of seeing all problems as nails for its hammer.

Economics, why the welfare of the nation overides national symbolism. Lisbon Treaty & Euro.

As a social Democrate I can see that Europe stands for many things I agree with but it is still highly undemocratic, until an EU president is directly elected. The Lisbon treaty is a move in the right direction, it grants the right of petition that the people of the nation have the right to lobby their government through direct democracy to make policy. It also means that nations now have the right to leave the EU.
However the intergration of widening to new member nations and deep intergration of the laws military and economies means that it would have to be a well thought out good bye.
The flag is dear to me not as a symbol but the people of England that it represents the togetherness of our people, this is why the flag itself is not important but our standards and honor are! The laws that the E.U. makes are more worthy of the honor and respect of the English people than the toothless Westminster Parliament.
It is the Bank of England, unelected that sets the main monetary policy which effects the taxation and spending plans of the government. So what is the difference if the price of money is decided by the European Central Bank.
England and the City of London are a financial power house with massive intangible good flows into the economy through financial services if this was married to massive top export economy in the world Germany then surely the Euro would move to become the worlds reserve currency.
The reserve currency is important because it is a method of mean of exchange for other currencies much as gold once was.
England if it chooses the Euro would become part of the worlds biggest economic hyperpower and a great deal of our debt would evaporate, it would fund homeland consumption leading to a rise in the standard of living for England.
It is the long term security, welfare material social and psychological of a people that is the conscern of the post modern English nationalist not the British empire or racialism or immigration.
I commend you for reading this blog all the best Infokemp